Great Weekend All Around

Supah weekend here on the Murphy front.


After football practice we hit the beach. It was a beautiful afternoon. August even did great. Seamus hated the beach as an infant so it was a wonderful treat when August hung out all afternoon like a champ.

After the beach this happened. The boys made a plan in the shower to get all spiffied up to go to dinner. Killian did his hair and, I do believe, Seamus wore underwear instead of going commando as he usually does when he’s responsible for getting himself dressed. Seamus also allowed Killian to comb his hair into this super stylish comb over style. Seamus did not match obviously and Killian has Seamy’s shirt on, but I so appreciated and loved this sweet gesture.

Mister started the day off at 6am with a 5k row to honor Liam Macomber. He didn’t want to miss the boys football games so chose to do this instead or running in the actual 5k which he’s done almost every year. Awesome idea and he crussshhhed it!!

THESE guys also crushed it today!! Killian had 2 touchdowns and some stellar tackles. Dallas got a two point conversion and a 55 yard touchdown pass. My goal is to start understanding football (after 3 years, it’s time). I’m always there, I just don’t know what’s going on.

Caiden took this sweet picture with Kerin’s phone today. She found it on there. How is it that a 4 year old takes better pictures than me?! I love this.

Baby just chillaxin between games.


Nice little photo of my boys post game. Tyler was pretty psyched to photo bomb this too ☺️ smiles all around. Perfect way to end a day at the field.

Oh! I made Paleo Shephards Pie for dinner. Here’s the recipe:
(Not sure where this recipe came from. DC gave it to me moons ago).

2 lbs. grass fed beef
1lb. cooked bacon
4 sweet potatoes
4 carrots chopped
4 celery stalks chopped
1 onion chopped
2 tsp. minced garlic
1/2 tsp. Paprika

Bake or steam sweet potatoes.
Sauté veggies for few and add ground beef. When potatoes are done whip up in food processor with some coconut milk or chicken broth. Put meat mixture at bottom of 9×11 dish and spread sweet potato over the top. Bake at 350 for 30 min.

I have never actually put the bacon on so I’m assuming you can mix it in with meat mixture or sprinkle bits over finished product so it stays crispy. Mmmmmm. Yum.


Time Flies By…I’m Trying To Remember Every Minute

Picked this little gem up today from Claychick. I was oogling over August’s little feet recently and decided I wanted to remember how itty bitty they were and this is what I came up with. I guess since I think August will be our last babe I have been doing everything people usually do for their first…maternity pictures, induction (haha), newborn photos, foot prints…leave it to us to go backwards.

Good morning! I love his little eyes peeking over. I made a roasted chicken the other day for chicken salad (with home made mayo), but last night I put the carcass in the crockpot to make broth (and get all the other meat, I’m not good at pulling a whole chicken apart). The point of this is my house smells SO good this morning…like Thanksgiving. Pete’s favorite.

On a side note, this is the usual in the house. I put the news on when I get up. When Dallas gets up he asks if we can watch Sports Center and he steals the baby from me all while sporting his boxers. Love him.

Morning mugging party. The usual.

Water sucks, give me a Blue Moon!

Water is the bain of my existence. I hate to drink it. I know all the benefits and wonderful amazing things it does for the body but really, there are so many other delicious beverages to consume on a daily basis. How can I fit water in…let alone 60 ounces of it? I’ve been good and managed to choke down my allotted amount for 3 whole days in a row! Three. Whole. Days!

I feel like all I do is cook and clean lately. My house (which I love and am totally grateful for) is a little small for the 6 of us that live in it so it gets messy really easily. I could clean and try to organize for 8 hours everyday and still never be done. I am trying to always get rid of stuff we don’t need and try like hell to keep things organized and in it’s place. Went to the beach for a couple hours yesterday because I needed a break. August loved it.


Oh! Oh! I was so excited I prepped dinner before I went to the beach too (pathetic this is what I get excited over). I put chicken in the crockpot to cook while I was out and before I left I cooked the spaghetti squash in the microwave (who knew?!! I never use the microwave to cook stuff. I’m old school…lol. My sister clued me in on this gem). After I got the boys I made the sauce and put the onions, peppers and peapods on a pan ready to go on the stove. Peter got home before me and I talked him through throwing it all together. He did a great job and presto! Paleo Pad Thai…yum! Boom sauce. Again, we are awesome.

I’m Gonna Be A Match. I Can Feel It!


WAY harder than I thought to get a cute picture of August at 1 month. He’s always asleep or by the time I get everything I want together he’s cranky and wants to eat or be held. It’s another Pinterest nightmare. I need to keep reminding myself not to have any expectations. Jeesh!

Miss Mia took this picture Saturday at a Be The Match Fundraiser for a friend’s dad. To be honest, I was scared to get swabbed. I have an overwhelming feeling I’ll match someone and get the call to give bone marrow. Now, I would never say no, but it’s scary I guess just because it’s unknown and not familiar. Heck, giving birth was once unfamiliar and terrifying, but I keep going back for more!

One of my most awesome friends, Amy, gave me this today. It’s a box to put August’s keepsakes in, BUT the best part is she had my husband have my boys and some of my friends write sweet notes to August bursting with love. I thought this was so thoughtful and sweet. It reminds me again how lucky I am! My family and I are loved. It swells my heart.

My boys and poison ivy!

My Dallas with poison ivy on his face and neck. Also has some on his belly and arms. Took him to urgent care on Long Pond Road today (what a great place) since the poison ivy was mostly around his eyes…they put him on Prednisone and a topical cream. Already looks much better today.

Woke up in the middle of the night to Seamus peeing on the newest member of our family. I’m sure this wasn’t intentional. He was very confused when I started yelling “WHAT are you doing?” Luckily Seamus just soaked August’s feet and not his face or anything. Sad thing is August was fast asleep and looked so cozy. I had to wake him up to change him. HE HATES THAT.

Our August is one month today. Breaks my heart. No matter how much I snuggle him it feels like it hasn’t been enough. Sigh…I love babies.

He’s been cranky today so I haven’t done our “one month” picture yet. Stay tuned….

Busy? Whatevs!

There aren’t enough hours in the day, BUT this morning my posse rocked it! I was up at 6:44 and completed the following: read to Seamus 20 minutes while managing August, took a shower and got dressed, gave Seamus a shower and got him dressed, made lunches for boys, took trash out (in the nick of time! Lombards was pulling up as I was dragging out the barrels. If I missed it, I would’ve freaked!), went and put gas in my car, nursed the baby and packed up stuff for doctor appt., found and put Seamus’ sneakers on and got the kids to school by 8:55. Peter got home from gym as I was coming down from shower he completed the following: Paleo breakfast for himself, 2 fried eggs (not too runny) for Killian, bath for August, got August dressed, made sure Dallas took a shower, got himself ready for work and managed the crew while I went and put gas in my car and left for work pretty much on time. BOOM! I love us.


Seamus had a dentist appointment yesterday. He wore this mask and gloves Kristin, the hygienist, gave him the whole way home in the car. Wanted to wear them at football practice, but I informed him people will think he’s sick and stay away from him. He did a great job at the dentist, x-rays and all. I am super proud of him!

Little boy blue had his 1 month check up today. He’s 11.1 pounds and 23.25 inches long…my baby is growing up (sigh).

Football Rules! (Till Baseball Season Starts?)

Weekend FULL of football. Practice Saturday then games on Sunday in Taunton. Dallas had to be there at 12:15 for a 1:30 game and Killian 3:15 for a 4:30 game. Left the house about 11:20 and spent a solid 6.5 hours at the field then dinner. Got home at 9…yikes! I love the boys football though so I don’t mind. Wins for both teams too so BONUS!



Lookout cookout! I painted my nails 😃 They definitely did not come out like the Pinterest picture I saw them on, but really…does anything ever come out as awesome as it looks on Pinterest? Ah, a big fat NO. Don’t ever expect anything to come out that great and then you won’t be disappointed! Peter painted the white “laces” for me. Isn’t he a dream? 😍 The boys weren’t as impressed as I thought they would be, but my football mom friends were. Next time I’ll use blue for Vikings. I think the green is supposed to be the grass? Anyways, enough about my nails.

How about religion? Let’s talk about that. People love it and it never causes arguments. Ha! I’m in a jam this year with the religious education at my church. See, Killian has games every Sunday until November at 10:30 which means he can’t make his 9-10:15 religious education class. I can’t do Tuesdays either because the boys have practice. Let me preface this by saying I love everything about my place of worship and the religious education people are awesome. They will most likely let me home school him until November, BUT I feel like a child in trouble putting football before church. Oi vay!

My BP still high at 150/98. Gotta see the doctor tomorrow. I’m sure I’ll be back on meds until I can get my ass back to the gym. I was feeling like I might never go back (not really), but this is a perfect example of how much my body needs it…literally. Keeps me healthy for my boys.

Happy Anniversary to me and my lover boy. He’s amazing in my eyes. Perfect for me. “Peas and carrots” as Forest Gump would say. I could go on and on but I’ll just say I know he loves me and he treats me like he loves me and I wish everyone could experience (and deserves to) this kind of love. The End.


Thank Goodness We Can Start Over Everyday

I should’ve known yesterday was going to be a tough day. I should’ve stayed home. August was up at 4:22 and restless until after 7. He had a stuffy nose and was having trouble breathing/nursing/sleeping (like the only things he does except poop). Poor buddy.



I had a doctor appointment to check my blood count (I had a retained placenta after delivery, hemorrhaged a bit and had a blood transfusion😁) where I was told I am very pale (low iron) and my blood pressure is high. Wonderful. My blood pressure was high years ago and I was on meds, but I started eating better and CrossFitting and came off meds. Fast forward to today, me not exercising right now (I have been told I better not until blood levels are normal) and eating like crap, high blood pressure again. I feel like I’m starting all over again. Boo. Makes me sad.

Seamus and I decide to walk to pick up the boys today. On the way home Killian nags me to death to let him wear the Bjorn and walk the baby home. I finally concede. We get walking again and about halfway home Seamus falls off a curb and scrapes his face on a nice newly built wall. Blood is streaming down his face. I have no phone because I wanted to walk with the boys with no distractions. Ahhhh! I start walking towards my friend Amy’s house and can see she’s not home. THEN, luckily, my friend Nicole drives by and happens to have a napkin in her car. She also offered to drive us, but I had the baby and bloody mess (literally), so we walked home. He’s better now, but I’m sure his teacher will want to know what happened to my boy.

Look at that face. Looks like a baby. Man I love him.

Winter comes every year: get used to it?!

Oh boy winter is coming. It’s so sad. I saw this on Facebook last night.
It’s not that bad up until Christmas because we are busy with football and the holidays, but January through April drag.

My littlest baby boy is 3 weeks old today. I’m so glad we had a fourth. He’s a little snuggle bug and OHHH so cute! He has a little cold right now and still manages to be a happy boy through the snorts.



Next on the agenda is mine and Peter’s 13th wedding anniversary, Killian’s 9th birthday, Peter’s birthday
and August’s Christening. I’m going to try and plan stuff soon so I’m not waiting until the last minute, as usual.


To My Good Buddies

SOOO, we went to the park today with friends and I saw a girl there with her baby. She was alone and it got me to thinking about when I first had Dallas. Yes, I had friends, but I didn’t have too many other “mom” friends or friends with kids. I had major post-partum with Dallas so that didn’t help, but I also didn’t have all the amazing people I have in my life now. Of course I had my bestie, my hubs, but he had to go to work everyday and make the Benjamin’s. I am so thankful for pre-school because I FINALLY made some friends that were in the same place in life as me. Since then I have met so many wonderful (some not so wonderful) people whether it be through school, baseball, football, CrossFit, the beach, friends of friends, Facebook friends, old friends, new friends. I feel so lucky! I know so many different types of people. Some just like me and some the polar opposite, but I am still so grateful. I truly believe we meet everyone for a reason (good or bad) and we learn and grow from everyone and every experience (Jack Handy). I am loved and that makes me happy 🙂 Sorry for the mush, but I had to say it. I love you all!

Gimme kiss baby.