Summer Recap

SO, it’s been a while. Like the whole summer and then some. What a summer it has been! I haven’t had a spare moment to catch my breath never mind write a blog (poor excuse…you can make time for anything you want when you put forth even a little bit of effort). I’ve been lazy about it I suppose. Let’s catch up.

Crushing the ice cream cake with a spoon! I’m impressed he knows how to use one of those.

  Our August is ONE (yes, our Auggie… He has more people that adore him than I do and he’s only been around a year). He’s walking …steps here and there, longer distances everyday. He still doesn’t sleep well (again, my fault), but he’s still the cutest bugger ever. I can’t believe he’s my last. Still trying to stop time, but it’s not working. 

 School started. These 3 gone all day. It’s weird and quiet and I think Auggie hates it. He has been fussy and seems to be looking around for the boys all day.

First thing Dallas does when he gets home. Doesn’t  he look like a giant here?   

  Tons and tons of baseball all summer: districts, states, regionals, hotels, driving to Winchester, Chelmsford and West Warwick. Wouldn’t change a thing.  Right as baseball came to a close…FOOTBALL began! #Vikings

Seamy in a fall clinic in South Plymouth. These 3 decided to #represent on day 1. 😁 

Does this scream tourist or what?!

 Started the summer off with a super fun vacation with friends in the Outer Banks. Beautiful. 
Seamy had to go to Title 1 summer school. Wonderful experience! I can’t say enough about how much he benefited from the 5 weeks (bonus it kept he and K separated for half the day which saved my sanity and probably my family). 

 Snuggles for us with no one home.  

 What have we been in school like 2 weeks and this one got LICE again! Can you believe it?! Instead of letting him keep his long locks and work through it…we got rid of it. I WILL NOT deal with this again! 

Everyone can freak out now…I said it…lice, lice, lice!! Carry on πŸ˜‰ πŸ›


What are you up to right now? At the beach? Enjoying time with your kiddos? A friend? What am I doing right now? Oh…just sitting on the side of the highway between exits 12 and 13 waiting for the big gray bus to come bombing in. Why you ask? Oh well, because my 11 year old left his baseball bag in his dad’s car in WEYMOUTH and we didn’t figure it out until 12. He’s supposed to be on the bus at 1. I completely freaked and drove up to Weymouth to get the bag. I needed gas (of course) and there is traffic (of course). I knew I wasn’t going to make it back so here I sit. Waiting. Waiting and hoping no one creepy comes up to my window. This has done me in for the day. Finito. 


I made the mistake of mentioning to Killian that maybe he could ride his bike and I would run pushing August today…BIG mistake. He won’t let you bail on an idea even if it’s raining.

Aug monster was so good. He just pulled his feet up and tucked himself right in, not a drop  on him. Killian and I were soaked.
Seamy goes to summer school. Since we went on vacation right after school got out and he started school the Monday we got back…he doesn’t seem to know the difference. It’s just tough for the bugger to get up at 7 M-Th.


Long Days: Baseball and Vacation

Home late last night after along a$$ day of baseball followed up by Peter and I making 40 sandwiches, cutting up a watermelon and re-packing all our bags for today’s long a$$ day of baseball.  We got up at 5:30 to be at the field in Dighton at 8:15. It’s a lot. We have 3 coolers 4 kiddos and a ton of stuff, BUT I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have many, many beach days ahead of me in my lifetime. As they say, the days are long, but the years fly by. 

A few vacation memories: 

That belly of mine needs a tan…and a sugar detox 😁😳   

 No, it’s not a hotel, but a 10+ bedroom bathroom slice of Heaven perfect for the 27 of us. πŸ’•

Last, Last Week

My wonder baby slept in HIS BED from 12-7 Friday night. I am so proud of us!  


We then spent the remainder of the day at a baseball field. Morning game for Killian against South Plymouth (sadly, we lost) and afternoon game for Dallas (where again, we sadly lost)…more games to follow. Don’t count us out yet!  Haters gonna hate…that’s all I’m gonna say bout that. 

Dallas and Evan at the Invention Convention. Last big project for school. Is it over yet??


β€οΈπŸ’•Father’s Day. We planned on being at the baseball field for the majority of the day, but with the rain…everything got canceled so we had dinner (lobstah and steak) at Nana’s and went for a nice walk; Killian, Peter and Seamus also did a little fishing. It was nice. I also got some packing started. Yay me! 


Dallas taking out the trash last week. YESS! Old enough to get working around here more.

 So I had an Ava Anderson party Saturday (insert eye roll here), but no seriously, I learned so much. I used to be a part of the group that didn’t really care…eh, it’s all going to kill us somehow anyways, but now, no! See, I have these boys that I adore and I want to see them grow old and meet my grand babies and be around so they remember me. So I’m going to work harder. I’m going to try to start switching over to safer alternatives whether that be buying stuff or making my own.  I am usually so concerned with what I put in my body, but not on my body (which might be worse).  I learned that the average woman puts 162 chemicals on her body before she leaves the house in the morning. Can you believe that?! 162! Ugh… It’s overwhelming. Peace out homies ✌🏻️ 


It’s Been a While

I must say I have had so many blogs written and unfinished. Life is so busy…like really busy. Every minute is full. I can’t wait to go on vacation and relax, swim, go for walks, hang out.  

Whoop! Cooking dinner with a baby on my back.  It’s all the rage. 

Ever do this before? I was steaming corn…um, yeah. 

  At least he’s trying to be safe? 

He’s so good. All day, all the time, everywhere we go. 

 This guy can hold his own bubs now. I have been waiting for this day for a loooong time. I hate to rush things, but I also don’t love standing there holding a bottle. We get plenty of other quality time together, believe me

I wish I took a before picture of these pants. I’m so happy with the way they turned out. Killian still has a stain on the knee, but it’s nothing compared to the way they looked before. 

Seamy got to jump in the cage and do a little hitting with Coach Savastano. If I do recall he did say “best day evah!” 

Auggie had his 9 month check up a few weeks ago. He’s 99% for height and head circumference (24 month old size head, just like his oldest brother, Dallas) and 72% for weight. I’ve never had such a skinny baby 😊.

Freezing cold, drizzly, cloudy morning and this guy…I can’t stand it! I feel like (probably because I do) I always put up pictures of only August. I don’t want anyone to think I don’t love my other boys…it’s just Auggie changes so much all the time. Every day it seems. I always have something exciting (well to me) to share. I can’t get over how happy and good this boy is all the time. 

First playoff game Dallas crushed it! Home run over the fence at center at Forges. I cried. I always cry. He’s worked so hard. I am so happy for him! We ended up losing the game, but Dallas had a fantastic game. I’m all smiles.

I had a dream recently, I was walking along with headphones on and I looked up and there was my mom! She was pretending to conduct some music thing and had some little crown on her head. She was with my sister and Donna. She was SO happy. The first thing I thought when I saw her was, “oh she’s alive!” I need to take a picture with her! It made me so happy to see her so clearly. Even though it was a dream I could feel my heart fill up. Now I just want to cry. I miss my parents. Can you imagine? I have no living parents 😒

Loooong WeekendΒ 

 It’s been a rough couple days for my Gusty (cute, eh? Peter called him that the other day and I like it). He didn’t sleep much for 2 nights so I finally decided to take him to the doctors before the long weekend. The first boy is at the doctors for everything and, by the last, I put it off as long as possible.   

I held him for 2 or 3 nights…naps and all. It was the only way he’d sleep. 


Torture. He cried the whole way home from the docs in Hanover. “Mmmm-mum-mum” was all I heard :(.


Trapped again. Every time I tried to lay him down he’d freak. His ear must’ve been hurting.


Big baseball tournament for 9U this weekend. They slaughtered the first three teams they played and then got slaughtered in the semi-finals. A few errors in the last game…good learning experience. I tried to tell Killian you have to lose once in a while to appreciate the wins. πŸ˜€ 

Seamus was soooooo good all weekend. He even sat (holy sh@t! Yes, he sat) and watched/cheered for Killian’s team. 

||Side Note: we need to work on posture.||


This guy was awesome too. Borrowed this Goβ€’pod for Sunday’s game. It was a big help! 

I brought chalk on Sunday so we could keep a tally on the score. Genius, right?! Ha.    


Auggie is a big hit with the kids. Everyone comes to see him after the games. 😘  


The 9 am class today, Memorial Day. We all c-c-c-crushed Murph (1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push-ups, 300 air squats, 1 mile run). I finished in 57 minutes and something. Not a personal best for me…next time.  

…..and Peter took my beloved to trade her in. I need more room having 4 boys and baseball/football equipment, friends, strollers, groceries. It also smells like someone died in there so it’s time to trade her in. It’s a sad day. I’m getting a minivan and I have a bob haircut, what the hell happened to me? Oh yeah and give me any shit about driving a minivan and I’ll blast you in the grill piece. πŸ‘ŠπŸ» Carry On.

New House Guest

My enemy moved into the basement.  I’m 5 foot nothing and am not genetically built to row!  Why are you here?!  Who sent you?!  I can hear it all now “drive through the heels, back straight, elbows in Faith, keep your heels down, hands before knees, 11 and 1, big pulls, B R E A T H E!” Mother effer. I never quit anything in CrossFit..except rowing. Yup, right in the middle of a row for time…I’m out. Well, that was before I was pregnant w Auggie. I really disliked running while pregnant so I usually just rowed instead. I’m much better than I was, but still no sub 2 minute 500m…ridiculous. I need to be more #aggressive. 

This one. T-R-O-U-B-L-E


I had to send a picture of Dallas into school as a toddler for his 5th grade end-of-year (end of elementary school, end of me driving my boy to school, 😒) celebration. Peter found this one. I had to send it even if it’s a little blurry. Who would’ve known then how much he would love football? He did, I guess. 


It seems like everyone I know is SO into fishing lately. What gives? Anyway. Killian is obsessed with it. So, this is him after a double header on Sunday. He played two great games (they won both)….he should be tired. Nope! Look at him…in his uniform, filthy, so stinky, fishing with a stick. One of his good buddies behind him, fishing. They are so hardcore. 
So it was