Round Two: The Wee Hours

2:19 AM awake with Seamus who has severe belly pain. He’s been up for a while rolling around begging for medicine or something to make it stop. For a second I panicked that it is appendicitis or something but then settled on the simple fact that he’s going to puke any minute and I just need to deal. He won’t let me leave his side, so I’m laying in the other bed with the chronic bed wetter Killian, praying to the Heavens he doesn’t pee on me while Seamus watches Peppa Pig on YouTube.  I texted one of my good friends who just had this same sounding thing and she actually already responded…yet another one of the countless mums up in the wee hours with sick babies. It sucks. August has a dr appointment in the morning I’ve been waiting for, and now, may have to cancel. I’d like to add, it’s not fair to get the stomach bug more than once a season. I also strongly believe mothers should be exempt. Always.


All the boys got haircuts last weekend thanks to Daddy. That was a monumental task. I don’t know why, but getting haircuts is one of the worst tasks ever. Probably because I don’t make appointments in advance for the boys so once they need them, they NEED them and Killian detests getting his haircut so that just adds some firey spice to the mix. They all came out good though and it’s nice to be done. 

I also went food shopping over the weekend which also feels awesome to be done with! I usually go during the week. It’s tough for me to decide on a time to miss the gym and go, but with August’s appointment this week I decided to take care of it on Sunday. Wahoo! Only bad part was once I got there I couldn’t figure out how to put August in the baby carrier I had brought so I had to resort to pushing him in the stroller and pulling the shopping carriage. I wanted to cry the first few aisles. It was crowded. I got lots of “Wow. You have your hands full!”. One lady even said, “Where is Dad? He should be helping” to which I replied, “He’s home with the other 3 boys taking them to baseball practice. Me having one kiddo food shopping is a break you bitch (insert nice smile here)”. I should also add I received some very nice compliments on my beautiful, perfectly behaved boy. ☺️ 


Saturday night Killian had a sleepover and requested I draw a mustache on his mug for the occasion. This boy. Love the toilet in the background by the way. 


Killian also sent Peter a text from the sleepover asking what August was doing so Peter sent him this. 😍


Dallas got his Nor’Easter baseball shirt over the weekend. He was pretty excited. Even got the number he wanted. 


Random post, but catching you up on all the good times in my life. Wouldn’t change it for anything, well, maybe for sleep (2:53 AM as I say goodnight!). 😉

||Update: Seamus was fine after 2 hours and in the morning. I guess I will chalk it up to gas. 😳||

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